About IG-SRT / Cure Rate Research

Research Shows GentleCure Cures Over 99% of Basal and Squamous Cell Skin Cancers

More than 90,000 people to date have chosen GentleCure to treat their basal and squamous cell skin cancers, and the real-world experience speaks for itself. There is also a growing amount of published research for Image-Guided Superficial Radiation Therapy (Image-Guided SRT) that show GentleCure to be the safe and effective gold-standard in surgery-free skin cancer treatment with a 99%+ cure rate.

A team of leading dermatologists published their research on the use of Image-Guided SRT in the medical journal Oncology Therapy. Read the results below and talk about them with your dermatologist. Learning all you can about your treatment options can help you work together to choose the one that’s right for you.

What was the goal of the study?

The dermatologists wanted to know:

How was the study done?

Dermatologists Lio Yu, MD, Chad Oh, MD, and Christopher R. Shea, MD reviewed the charts of 1632 people who had Image-Guided SRT to treat one or more early-stage nonmelanoma skin cancers (basal or squamous cell skin cancer). These people received treatment between 2017 and 2020.

Illustration of a person with a yellow circle highlighting the face
  • Females: 702
  • Males: 930
  • Average age: 73 years (31 to 101 years old)
  • Diagnosis: early stage (stage 0 to 2) basal or squamous cell skin cancer
  • Number of skin cancers total: 2917
  • Most common areas: head and neck

How was treatment given?

Each person with skin cancer had an ultrasound to measure the size and depth of the cancer before each treatment. Those measurements helped the dermatologist know the smallest amount of radiation needed to cure the cancer and prevent side effects. Treatment was given by a radiation therapist in the dermatologist’s office.

Illustration of a calendar
  • Average number of visits: 20
  • Average length of visit: 10 to 15 minutes
  • Average length of treatment: 6 to 7 weeks
  • Average follow-up: 70 weeks

What were the results?

Out of all 1632 people, 1612 people (98.8%) no longer had skin cancer at their last follow-up visit.

Out of all 2917 skin cancers that were treated, 2897 (99.3%) were cured.

Cured skin cancers99.3%

What side effects did the study find?

The study showed that 25.4% of skin cancers (2 out of 10) had no side effects. In total, 2177 skin cancers (7 out of 10, or 74.6%) had side effects. Most radiation side effects subside within a few weeks after treatment is done. Talk with your healthcare provider if you have severe side effects or if your side effects do not go away within a few weeks.

  • No side effects: 25.4%.
  • 2177 skin cancers total had side effects.
  • Mild side effects: 78.9% (8 out of 10) had mild side effects.
    • Dull skin redness
    • Hair loss at the site of treatment
    • Dry, peeling skin
    • Loss of sweating
  • Moderate side effects: 20.2% (2 out of 10) had moderate side effects
    • Bright or tender skin redness
    • Moist peeling skin
    • Swelling of the skin

What do these results show?

These results show that Image-Guided SRT is a safe and effective treatment for basal and squamous cell skin cancers.
Read study

IG-SRT issafe and effective

Everyone Deserves a Surgery-Free Treatment Option

Participate in change. Do not let radiation oncologists limit your treatment options to protect their income. Sign a FREE petition to tell Medicare and health insurers that you expect them to CONTINUE COVERING an FDA-cleared, less invasive treatment option.

Learn more about the published research for Image-Guided SRT.